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Need: Service Management Systems (SMS) had no web presence when we met. They needed a basic Phase I site with some Phase II components to present a professional image for their rapidly growing company. They found larger clients were frequently asking them for their web site address and they did not want to lose business to competitors with web sites.

Solution: SageLion built an intentionally clean and crisp design to reflect the company's dedication to keeping malls clean. The site provides news and updates about the companies latest ventures and new contracts.  The look and feel, combined with the content, places their site at the top of the pack.
Results: The Company is starting to see Phase I results of increased awareness and use of their site as well as some Phase II results of attracting new clients who have researched their company online. The Company plans to add more functionality and possibly create an Intranet as they gradually expand their Phase II capabilities.


  © 2001 SageLion Web Site Design & Development